Hostel "Polezhaev" is located in M. N. Polezhaev revenue house by adress: Starorusskaya street, 5/3, apt. 82. You can reach here from Moscow railway station just in 5 minutes by taxi or by trolleybus №10 right to the entrance of the hostel! And it can also be reached by foot in just 15 minutes . Besides, the hostel "Polezhaev" is close to metro station Ploschad’ Vosstaniya and Ploschad’ Alexandra Nevskogo. The hostel entrance is located at trolley stop # 10, which runs through the Nevsky prospect, including the Moscow railway station, Vasilievsky island. Cell phone: +7 (911) 100-58-58 Landline phone: +7 (812) 69-96-000 Email: - Telegram @Polezhaevhostel - Viber, WhatsApp: +7 (911) 100-58-58 - GPS coordinates: 59.932693, 30.383435